What is happening with Russian Doll Season 3

If you are a big fan of the American Comedy Drama, you must be awaiting Russian Doll Season 3 eagerly. Although we haven’t gotten confirmation


Russian Doll Season 3

If you are a big fan of the American Comedy Drama, you must be awaiting Russian Doll Season 3 eagerly. Although we haven’t gotten confirmation yet, this doesn’t mean the possibility of the third season of Russian Doll is any less. Last year, Natasha Lyonne, a co-creator and series star, said that they always had three seasons in mind when they were writing the first season.

Currently, season 3 of Russian Doll has not been commissioned yet. This means it is impossible to tell when the show might appear on Netflix. Season 2 premiered in April 2022, so we are still a ways off from Russian Doll season 3. Netflix sometimes takes a while to gather all relevant viewership data before deciding to renew a show for another season.

What We Know about Russian Doll

Russian Doll Season 3 Overview

Russian Doll is an American comedy-drama series created by Natasha Lyonne, Leslye Headland, and Amy Poehler. It stars Lyonne as Nadia Vulvokov, a software engineer who repeatedly dies and relives the same night in an infinite time loop.

The first season was released on FebruFebruary 19 on Netflix. The second season was released on June June 250. Lyonne also directed two episodes of the series, and Headland directed four. Lyonne’s character is based on her own life experiences with addiction and mental illness.

The series has been praised for its innovative premise, strong writing, feminist perspective, and Lyonne’s performance. The first season of the show was nominated for four Primetime Emmy Awards, Outstanding Comedy Series and Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series being two of them. The series was renewed in June 2019 for a second season which is set to air on AprilApril 202.

Show Name Russian Doll Season 3
Genre American Comedy Drama
Seasons 2
Russian Doll Season 3 Release Date   2022-2023
Original Network Netflix

Russian Doll Season 3 Release Date Speculation

Russian Doll Season 3 release date

Despite no confirmation from Netflix, the writers and creators of the show have admitted there are plans for a third season. Before the release of season one, Natasha Lyonne co-created and starred in the show while admitting that the writing team had a three-season plan.

As explained to The Hollywood Reporter, Natasha said: “I see it quite concretely, and it will be interesting to see what evolves. The beauty of the power of the writer’s room is that Alan [Charlie Barnett] was a very different character in the original pitch and pilot; he came alive in month two of the room. Before then, he had been a variety of other figures and now, looking back, imagining that show without Alan is almost impossible.”

“I learned from that experience that if I want to leave room for something beyond my current imagination, I need not to plan every detail too closely. Who knows how long the series will be? Maybe it’s only two seasons. Maybe four. I know right now that it feels like it should be three.” 

Leslye Headland, Lyonne’s co-creator, informed RadioTimes that they had always intended the show to have three seasons: “We initially pitched it as three seasons. We came in with it like, ‘Here’s the idea for season one, here’s the idea for season two, here’s the idea for season three. So I could see us revisiting one of those ideas.”

As of now, we haven’t received any information indicating that Russian Doll Season 3 has been canceled, so we’re still holding out hope. Unless a woman from the future comes and alters time to take it away from us first.

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Russian Doll Season 3 Cast Speculation

Russian Doll Season 3 cast

If the show Russian Doll makes a comeback, then Natasha Lyonne will return as Nadia Vulvokov. Charlie Bennett is also likely to appear in season three as Alan. Of course, Nadia’s best friend Maxine (Greta Lee) would not be absent from the show if it does come back for another season.

The homeless man named Horse always appears at the world’s weirdest and most (time)loopy moments. Some people think he might be responsible for Nadia’s existential nightmare… could this be true?

Therefore, this unimportant character may have a larger role next season. Additionally, the cast’s future is dependent on time. For example, Nadia’s adventures into her past could bring back Aunt Ruth when she was younger (played by Schitt’s Creek’s Annie Murphy), the now older and deceased Aunt Ruth (Elizabeth Ashley), or her mother. She abandoned her as a child (Chloe Sevigny in the ’80s timeline).

Russian Doll Season 3 Plot Speculation

Russian Doll Season 3 plot

The beauty and the frustration of Russian Doll are that the past two seasons work as standalone, but when to put together, they create pieces of a larger puzzle. As season two also ended in a fully-rounded moment, we can assume that season three will involve Nadia time-traveling again. But besides that, the future – like Nadia’s – is pretty uncertain. But we’re excited to see where it leads.

Season one focused on a time loop in the present day, with Nadia and Alan’s deaths repeating until they could find a way to break out of it. In season two, we spend more time in the past as Nadia learns (and becomes) her mother and grandmother at different times.

Please consider this; it’s possible that Russian Doll season 3 could be set further in the future compared to previous seasons. This is something that was only lightly touched upon during season two and wasn’t the main focus point.

When asked by Variety if there was potential for this idea, Lyonne said: “Similar thoughts have come across my mind before as well. The show will always revolve around philosophical and deep topics such as time, mortality etc.”

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Where to Stream Russian Doll Season 3?

Russian Doll Season 3

If the show gets renewed for a third season, you will be able to watch it on Netflix. This is where the first two seasons are also streaming.

When will we see Russian Doll Season 3 Trailer?

Russian Doll Season 3 trailer

Given that the show hasn’t been renewed for Russian Doll Season 3 yet, it’s safe to say that we won’t be seeing a trailer any time soon. However, if you want to rewatch the first two seasons in anticipation, you can do so on Netflix.

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