Ethical Policy

At Entertainical, we prioritize providing you with trustworthy and reliable information. Our commitment to ethical content creation ensures:

  • Accuracy: We fact-check all information before publishing to guarantee its validity. But sometimes we may commit mistake, please reach out to us in such cases.
  • Objectivity: We strive to present information in a balanced and unbiased manner, letting the facts speak for themselves.
  • Transparency: We are transparent about our sources and avoid misleading content.

Responsible Content, Responsible Approach

We go beyond simply avoiding negativity. Our content reflects the following principles:

  • Quality over Clicks: We believe in creating engaging content that adds value, not just cheap thrills.
  • Responsible Reporting: We avoid sensationalized content (“yellow journalism”) and focus on informative and respectful reporting.

By adhering to these ethical standards, we aim to build trust with our audience and provide a platform for quality entertainment content.